Analisa Harga, Produk, Promosi terhadap Keputusan Konsumen pada Pembelian Properti di Kantor Brighton Citraland Surabaya
Price, Product, Promotion, and Purchase DecisionAbstract
This study aims to determine: The effect of prices on consumer purchasing decisions Brighton Citraland Surabaya. The effect of the product on the consumer purchasing decision of Brighton Citraland Surabaya. Influence of promotion on consumer purchasing decisions Brighton Citraland Surabaya. This research is a survey research. The population in this study is the consumers of Brighton Citraland Surabaya. The sample of this study was determined by census or saturation technique, namely as many as 63 people. The questionnaire trial consisted of validity testing using the Product Moment Correlation method, reliability testing using Cronbach's Alpha method, normality test, and there was an F (simultaneous) test, t test (partial), and dominant test. The analysis technique in this study only uses multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results showed that: the product has a positive effect on Purchasing Decisions, and products and promotions have a negative effect on Purchasing Decisions. This is proven by the value of Fcount> Ftable (15.926> 2.80) and the significance value of Fcount is 0.000. The price has a negative effect on purchasing decisions, this is evidenced by the tcount <ttable (1.340 <1.67109) and the significance value of 0.185> 0.05, the product has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, with tcount> ttable (3,575> 1, 67109) with a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, promotion has a negative effect on purchasing decisions, with a value of tcount <t table (1.409 <1.67109) with a significance value of 0.164 <0.05.References
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